5 Free Anger Management Classes

Take 5 Free Online Anger Management Classes

Have you been searching for free anger management classes for adults near me?

If yes, you are in the right place. There is nothing closer than free anger management classes right here on your device!

These free anger management classes are the same ones I teach my clients who pay me ‘big bucks’ for personal anger management training.

The free online anger management classes are available to you immediately. You do not need to sign up for anything or give me any money. My free anger management classes are exactly as they claim to be, FREE!

All you need to do to get my free online anger management classes is to keep reading!

As you move down this page, you will learn how you can solve your anger problems.

Hi, this is family therapist Abe Kass, MA RSW RMFT CCHT.

As a busy family therapist, I have worked with thousands of individuals and families who have had serious anger problems. Anger is the single greatest cause of relationship breakdown, mental abuse, domestic violence, and chronic emotional pain. But it doesn’t need to be this way.

I am providing you with online anger management classes for free with the hope that you will carefully study the material in these classes and apply it to your daily life. Doing so could make the difference between having a successful life with your family or the opposite. – Abe

What are online anger management classes?

Anger management is a set of mental, emotional, and behavioral skills that will give you the ability to be calm in all situations.

You may not achieve perfection. But you can certainly reduce your harmful expressions of anger… hopefully to the point where you do not hurt others.

Anger management classes are the place where you learn these anger management skills and strategies to stay calm regardless of the situation.

With my free online anger management classes, you can learn to avoid getting angry and keep yourself and everyone in your family safe.

If you want more than these free online anger management classes I am offering you, you can do a Google search and find additional free and paid online anger management classes to add to the ones below.

Online Anger Management Classes

Everyone needs anger management classes!

We all have reasons for getting angry. And many of us do let go and express our displeasure by getting angry. In doing so, we hurt ourselves and others. Some people or situations make it difficult for even the most patient and reasonable person to avoid anger and remain calm. Regardless of all the excuses and reasons, getting angry simply isn’t worth it. The damage caused by anger ruins relationships, health, and career opportunities.

Anger makes you a loser! With the Free online anger management classes, you can turn things around and become a winner

  • Expressions of anger never solve problems — it only makes them worse.
  • Once anger is expressed, it is difficult to undo the damage it has caused.
  • When it comes to anger, not expressing it is the best solution. And you do this with the anger management skills that you will learn in these online anger management classes.
  • With my free online anger management classes, you will learn how to protect yourself and those you love from relationships and health injuries caused by expressions of anger.
  • Avoid embarrassment, retribution, and even complete relationship breakdowns from my online anger management classes.

How to use these free online anger management classes

There is a lot of information in the online anger management classes. If you are like most people, you will need to think deeply about the information in each lesson and return to it several times for reviews.

You may want to print out this entire post for easier access. Tape a paper copy of these online anger management classes to a wall in your house or keep it with you wherever you go — or do both.

Use whatever means you need to become a master of anger management. It is up to you to make the most of the free anger management classes.

Here are my 5 free online anger management classes:

Online Anger Management Class #1: Learn Anger Issues Signs

Here are answers to your question, “Do I have anger issues?”

Anger is an act of hostility directed at another person. It intends to hurt, intimidate, or push away another person.

The intent does not necessarily express the true feelings of the angry person (how he or she feels when not angry). Rather, they express a primitive and temporary feeling triggered by a particular event.

When the person calms down, he or she may be very polite, kind, and accommodating. However, in the moment of anger, terrible things are said or done.

The following are examples of the different types of commonly expressed anger.

Verbal anger issues symptoms

Speech is the most common way people communicate with each other. Thus, when a person expresses anger, it is usually done with words. Individuals, who have grown up in angry homes, have told me that the words of anger and humiliation directed at them have often caused more pain and suffering than actual physical assaults. Words are remembered, often forever, and angry words can cause emotional trauma that is not easily forgotten or forgiven!

Physical anger issues symptoms

Adults physically assault each other and their children. This may sound shocking, but it is true! Moreover, it happens far too often! Anger may be expressed with punches, slaps, kicks, or pushes. Anger may also be expressed by striking another person with an object or by breaking and throwing things.

The urge to express anger with physical assault must always be rejected. In the moment, and perhaps forever, there can be no second chances. Physical anger must never be tolerated.

Open anger issues symptoms

‘Open anger’ is the most common way anger is expressed, and it is easily identified. Simply, when you recognize that you are expressing or experiencing hostility in any form, it is anger.

Hidden anger issues symptoms

‘Hidden anger’ is when a person expresses anger using withholding or rejecting behaviors. This type of anger is often referred to as ‘passive-aggressive’ anger. For example, an angry mother turns her back on her daughter and pretends not to hear anything she says; or an angry husband won’t speak to his wife for a week, yet he pretends nothing is wrong.

Passive-aggressive anger is difficult to resolve or defend oneself against since, typically, the perpetrator pretends that he or she is not angry. The invisibleness of passive-aggressive anger is precisely why it is a powerful weapon often used to attack another person.

When angry, you hurt others. However, once you are calm and you realize what you have done, you probably feel regret for what you have said or done. You may choose to cover these feelings of regret by continuing to blame and rage, but they are there. Until you acknowledge them, you will remain agitated and distant from the person you ‘attacked’.

Your best choice is to calm down and take responsibility for what you have done. Yes, apologies are appropriate! They are not always enough — but they are an essential start.

Better yet, use your anger management skills and strategies to stay calm and find effective means to solve problems or get the reasonable things you want.

Online Anger Management Class #2: 5 Proven Anger Control Tips That Work For Anger Issues Symptoms

You have signs of anger issues. Now learn what you can do to reduce or eliminate these anger issues.

1. Resist negatively judging your partner. Seek positive ways to interpret your partner’s behavior, so you will be less upset or not upset at all with what he or she has done.

2. Don’t keep a score. When you are upset with something your partner has done, “forgive and forget.” Don’t hold on to your negative judgment about your partner and angry feelings and use them as fuel to feed additional negative thoughts. This will only lead to additional anger and escalated conflict — you and your entire family will then suffer the consequences.

3. Be humble. Don’t get angry when things don’t go your way. Anger is an aggressive emotion to try and force things to be the way you want them to be. Whatever the situation is, try to accept as much as you can. Acceptance will eliminate anger, and this will lead to peace and harmony with your partner.

4. Share and Negotiate. If there is something your partner does that you cannot just accept as recommended above, calmly and respectfully share your thoughts and, when appropriate, negotiate a solution agreeable to both of you rather than using anger to impose what you want. In most situations, if you can’t negotiate a solution, it is better to ‘give in’ than ‘get angry.’ When you stay calm using your anger management skills, you will be able to decide what is the best approach to getting what you want.

5. Stay calm. If you become angry, stop talking. Do something else until you calm down. When you are angry, everyone around you is hurt including you, and the point you are trying to make is lost in the flood of negative emotions. Whatever it is that you are unhappy with, you will only get your point across when you are calm! Use your anger management to calm yourself down, then tell the offending person what you want or what you don’t want. When you follow these anger management guidelines, this will lead to peace and harmony in your relationship!

Online Anger Management Class #3: Make an Anger Control Plan

Stop anger even when you are angry and can’t think clearly!

If anger never begins to grow, you will never have to worry about slipping, expressing it, and causing injury to yourself and your loved ones.

One of the most effective ways to stop anger triggers is a well-rehearsed Anger Control Plan.

An Anger Control Plan is an essential piece of your anger management strategy.

With an Anger Control Plan, you decide in advance how best to respond to situations that, when they occur, tend to lead to destructive expressions of anger.

Like a fire safety plan that can be designed and then rehearsed to be prepared should a fire break out, an Anger Control Plan should be ready for use when anger management is needed.

This plan puts numerous situation-specific strategies at your fingertips that are ready for immediate implementation.

Besides constructing an Anger Control Plan, you need to rehearse it in your mind. You need to mentally practice exactly how you will put to use the strategies that will prevent anger and keep you calm.

Until you have a high level of self-control, I suggest that you review your Anger Control Plan each day.

You can even turn your Anger Control Plan into a brief meditation by closing your eyes and imagining common events where you start to become angry, and then you apply an appropriate strategy as listed in your plan.

Selecting the same time each day to review your plan is probably a good idea. Doing so will create a positive habit that will increase the likelihood of consistently doing this necessary mental exercise.

Taking this mental rehearsal seriously will make a difference when you are confronted with a real event.

Your Anger Control Plan Will make the difference between expressing anger and staying calm.

Rehearsing your Anger Control Plan will prepare you so you know what to do should you become angry—and most importantly, you will do it without having to think.

When you are angry, your thinking is impaired. Knowing what to do without thought is often your best strategy. An Anger Control Plan offers you the possibility of knowing the correct thing to do even when you are angry and your thinking is impaired.

Here’s how to make your Anger Control Plan

Divide a sheet of paper or a computer document into two columns.

In the first column, make a list of everyday situations that trigger anger.

Leave space between each item.

List such things as rude people, a critical partner, kids fighting, difficulties at work, and other stressful situations. Your list should itemize your anger issues.

In the second column, corresponding to each item in the first column, write down what you need to do to stay calm when a specific situation occurs.

For rude people, you might write, “Bite my tongue or remain quiet.” For, “My partner being critical, you could write, “Tell him his words hurt, then walk away.”

I recommend you read your Anger Control Plan each day for at least three weeks, or as long as necessary until you have mastered it and can stay calm regardless of the situation.

Having your Anger Control Plan at the forefront of your mind will help you stay calm when a challenging situation presents itself and you are tempted to express anger.

When the moment of truth arrives and you feel anger building, your plan is there to help you stay calm and prevent destructive anger from being expressed.

Every couple of days, when you are just beginning to learn how to manage your anger, update your Anger Control Plan to include new insights you have learned about your personal anger triggers and what you can do to counter them and remain calm.

You should have your Anger Control Plan prepared and ready to use as needed. It is one more tool, amongst many, allowing you to take responsibility for your behavior and guiding you in how to stay calm.

Being vigilant to stop anger is an essential part of your overall anger management strategy.

anger control audiobook learn how to control your anger don't let your anger control you by family therapist Abe Kass

Anger Control Audiobook


Online Anger Management Class #4: Advanced Anger Management Techniques

Anger is very destructive to you and your loved ones. Get more tools to manage your anger issues symptoms.

1. Be unconditionally kind

Be kind to another, even when your partner is not treating you the way you want.

When you are kind, even when you are tempted to express anger, you will cause the situation to remain peaceful.

Your kind behavior may change a partner who is at the moment hostile and ready to become angry into a pleasant person to be around.

For example, if someone is unpleasant toward you, rather than reacting in turn with hostility, ask the offending person how he or she feels. Show interest and concern. This may soften their heart and they will then be nice to you.

As angry behaviors are contagious, so too are behaviors of kindness.

Allowing an irritating or hostile partner to express how he or she feels is an act of kindness and may quickly transform a tense and difficult moment into one that is pleasant.

Kindness crushes anger!

Make life easier for all; live without anger and seek opportunities to be kind.

However, some individuals are difficult people, and being kind to them may not help the situation. In some situations, it may even make it worse. If you are living in a situation like this, getting professional guidance is essential.

Regardless of your situation, if you get angry you will only add to the other person’s anger and make the situation worse. Use your anger management to stay calm regardless of the situation.

2. Live a less stressed life

Do you put too much pressure on yourself?

Do you commit — even if only in your mind — to do more than you can finish?

If you answered “yes,” then you are often frustrated, overwhelmed, and disappointed in yourself.

Given the hectic lives of many people who juggle family, personal needs, and work, it is not surprising that many people are short on time, and as a result, they become highly stressed.

We all need a balance in life that includes family, work, recreation, relaxation, and plain old rest.

Doing nothing is sometimes the most important thing to do!

The point is this: When life is imbalanced, stress will build up, and then anger is expressed.

This is sad. Often, the hectic schedule, effort, and self-sacrifice are with the noble intent to benefit loved ones.

However, the result of all the effort is tension, anger, and emotional pain. Thus, all the ‘noble efforts’ bear little or even no fruit at all!

Some specific stressors that can contribute to anger are:

  • Lack of time
  • Lack of sleep
  • Lack of sunlight
  • Hunger (not eating regular meals or the wrong type of meals)
  • Financial pressure
  • Lack of downtime
  • Being depressed
  • Too much responsibility
  • Relationship disharmony
  • Lack of exercise
  • Poor health
  • Side effects of medication
  • Poor parenting skills for those of you who have young children

Regardless, you need to take 100% responsibility for staying calm, even when you feel like getting angry.

Yet certain conditions make staying calm and anger-free more challenging.

An imbalanced life that naturally contains large amounts of stress is just such a situation.

Manage your overall level of stress. Then staying calm in all situations will be proportionally easier.

When you are relaxed, you are more patient, easygoing, kind, and resilient — all good ‘anger-busting’ ingredients.

A full repertoire of anger management skills will help you in every type of situation.

3. The Time-out Technique

Being a calm and anger-free person will positively influence all areas of your life and contribute to increased success with your family and in your work.

Be the person others like to be around and want to help.

This gift of success is only offered to the person who is calm and remains that way.

When you feel anger growing within, or it is being expressed, take a break from being in the same room with the person you are angry with.

Wait until you have calmed down before you resume the conversation.

It may take five minutes or five hours for the necessary calmness to return.

While you wait, do something else. For example, go for a walk, call a friend, go for a drive, or go shopping.

It is important to tell your partner that you will return and that you are not rejecting him or her.

Tell them the reason you are taking a “time-out” is so you can stay calm and not hurt anyone with your anger. If possible, inform your partner when you hope to return.

Some couples designate a room in the house as a “time-out room” where someone can go, close the door, and be alone until they have calmed down.

In the time-out room, there can be magazines, a computer, a phone, and other items that can be used to distract oneself from the topic that is triggering angry feelings.

The time to leave the designated room is only when you have become calm and are certain you can remain that way.

Try to get an agreement from your partner that if you need to call a “time-out,” he or she will cooperate and not pursue you.

If you are trying to leave a stressful situation that could lead to a confrontation, the worst thing that could happen is that your partner blocks your way or follows you. Blocking a partner’s exit has provoked many violent clashes.

This needs to be avoided for countless reasons.

If you think the “time-out technique” could help you, discuss it with your partner.

Discuss how you may need to leave when you feel anger building and request acceptance of that need, not opposition.

If you call a “time-out,” assure your partner that you will return later and then continue the discussion.

A “time-out” is not a technique to avoid your partner or an important topic. Rather, is it a tool to avoid becoming angry and hurting yourself and others.

While the “time-out technique” is useful, and for some even necessary, it is not the preferred solution.

It is better to learn how to control yourself and successfully manage a situation without having to run away.

For some, the “time-out technique” is needed as a starting point to break a bad cycle of anger and retaliation.

Once this has been achieved, more effective anger management tools and strategies can be used.

4. Be honest about your anger

Don’t live with anger.

Try self-help anger management books and anger management tips and suggestions to stop your destructive anger.

For example, using the free anger management techniques above may be sufficient for you to control your anger and stay calm.

Many people can stay calm when they understand how destructive anger is and they put their minds to living peacefully.

However, if self-help anger management techniques are insufficient for you and you find you continue to get angry, don’t give up.

Difficulty in controlling anger or rage means you need to go to the next step and get professional help.

Find a credentialed professional that specializes in anger issues and get the anger management help you need.

You deserve a successful and healthy life — and you can only have that if you live calmly, and then others can love you and love to be around you… this is a simple fact of life!

You need to be honest with yourself. If you need help controlling your anger… then get help.

Online Anger Management Class #5: The 3 Steps to Anger Control

Anger Management Infographic. A picture is worth 1,000 words!

Having a picture in your mind is a powerful anger tool to keep you focused on your goal of staying calm in every situation.

Study carefully the 3-Steps to anger control in this Anger Management Infographic. These are your three tools to make sure unhealthy anger is never expressed!

Study this anger management infographic, print it, hang it on your wall, or keep it with you when you move about.

Let this anger management infographic be a powerful trigger reminding you what unhealthy anger is and what you can do to stay calm.

Understand the differences between a man’s anger and a woman’s anger. This is essential knowledge contributing to your anger management success.

anger management infographic

You have now taken five online anger management classes. Return and review this material.

When you master the information in these free anger management classes, you will be a better person for yourself and others.

The following are additional sources for information on free online anger management:

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abe kass

Abe has helped thousands of individuals, couples, and families for twenty-five-plus years. When it comes to relationship expertise — Abe is the real deal and can be trusted!

abe kassProfessional Therapist Abe Kass MA RSW RMFT

Abe has helped thousands of individuals, couples, and families for twenty-five-plus years. When it comes to relationship expertise — Abe is the real deal and can be trusted!