3 Steps to Being Assertive in a Relationship
1. Know what you want. You may need to consider your options, do some research, or consult with others to help you determine what is right for you. Once you know what you want, you can proceed to the next step.
2. Say what you want. To reach a goal, you need another person’s help. Now, you must tell them clearly what you want and how they can help. After you have communicated what you want, you can proceed to the next step.
3. Get what you want. This final step is to advocate on your own behalf to influence others to cooperate. You may need to negotiate, bargain, reason, or even suggest consequences if your goal is not supported.
Embracing assertiveness in your relationships can profoundly impact all aspects of your life, from your family dynamics to your professional growth and even your social interactions. It’s a skill that can empower you and enhance your relationships.
If you want additional help in becoming an assertiveness master, purchase my audiobook, Assertive Behavior — Feel Strong, Be Strong, and get what you want. It is inexpensive, easy to use, and requires only 8 minutes a day.
VIDEO: Be Assertive
There are three positions a person can take in relation to another person: Being passive, being aggressive, or being assertive.
Being passive means not reacting when things are happening to you or not initiating things on your behalf.
Being aggressive means trying to force others to comply with what you want.
Being assertive means advocating for yourself in a respectful, considerate, and deliberate way.
Being passive or aggressive is dysfunctional behavior because it reduces the likelihood of a person getting what they need. When a person often doesn’t get what they need, they can become anxious and depressed.
On the other hand, being assertive greatly increases the likelihood that a person will achieve their goal, whatever that might be, and build their self-esteem and confidence.
Paula’s husband Bill offended others with his ‘opinions’…
His words caused fights… He was always telling others what to do!
In a restaurant, Bill got into a fight with another customer. He ended up with a bloody nose!
Bill got mad at the housekeeper. She quit!
Bill lost several jobs because of ‘bad behavior.’
Paula knew Bill could avoid conflict if he would just ‘smarten up.’
When she tried to discuss with Bill his bad behavior, he became defensive, angry, and mean!
Being passive, ignoring Bill’s inappropriate words, or getting aggressive with him never worked…
Paula could not talk to Bill so he would listen and learn. She needed a way to communicate so he would be a better person.
Do you have a problem like this? Do your words fail to influence your partner? If so, I understand your frustration!
Countless men and women have good ideas locked up within themselves. Yet they have no way to share them with their partner.
There is a solution!
The solution is called -ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION-
For 25+ years, I have taught men and women how to express themselves assertively.
Assertive Communication will give you the power to speak to your partner with confidence and without conflict, making your relationship healthier and happier.
When you learn Assertive Communication, your words will be more powerful and increase the likelihood they will lead to positive results!
Now you can get my audiobook Assertive Behavior — Feel strong, be strong, and get what you want.
The lessons in this program will teach you ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION. Listen to this program for 8 minutes a day, for 3 weeks, and then put into practice what you have learned.
When you speak assertively, your words are ‘more powerful’ and will get better results. Assertive Behavior — Feel strong, be strong, and get what you want, is available from Abe’s Store on this site.
Paula listened 8 minutes a day, for 3 weeks to Assertive Behavior — Feel strong, be strong, and get what you want. With her new communication skills and increased confidence, she became a relationship leader.
Paula used her Assertive Communication skills to teach Bill how to avoid conflict. With Paula’s help, Bill stopped his self-made conflicts and made a better life for himself and his family.
In Paula’s own words, “Having tried many books that never helped, I decided to give this audio program a try. To be honest, I am still amazed at how well it works. This program takes core techniques and drills them into you until they become second nature. I am amazed at how well I assert my ideas and needs.