Emotionally Abusive Relationships
Emotionally abusive relationships are painful in every way. Abused individuals suffer from debilitating anxiety, depression, and loss of self-esteem.
When emotional abuse goes unchallenged, there remains the very real possibility of domestic violence leading to physical injury and a trip to the hospital or an arrest by the police or both!
If children are witnesses to an emotionally abusive relationship, their trust in their parents will be eroded and instead of learning healthy relationship skills, they will learn the opposite. Being in the presence of an emotionally abusive relationship is harmful in many ways.
The longer the emotionally abusive situation continues, the more difficult it will be for you to heal once the abuse has stopped. Accepting an emotionally abusive relationship is harmful to everyone in your household!
Don’t Accept Emotional Abuse In Your Relationship
Understand that respect and kindness are a ‘human right’ — not something that needs to be earned. You are not to blame for any abuse in your relationship. The fault for the abusive relationship lies with your abuser — and it is he or she who must learn how to be reasonable, kind, and respectful. If someone is treating you abusively, you need to take decisive action to end the abuse.
Not every selfish, unloving, or angry partner is an abuser
Some partners, although very unpleasant to be around, simply lack the skills to control their anger and behave with consistent kindness, sensitivity, and friendship, but they are not abusers. Emotional abusers are not only selfish, unloving, and angry, they ALSO seek to control their partners. Abusers want to dominate, make all the decisions, and direct every aspect of their partner’s life.
If your partner is not trying to control you, his or her bad behavior is likely based on relationship ignorance and not abuse. Knowing the truth about your relationship — if it is abusive or not — is necessary so you can take practical steps to improve your relationship, protect yourself, and protect other family members.
A non-abusive, unpleasant partner can be helped by learning relationship skills. Such a partner has no interest in controlling you. He or she selfishly wants to get his or her way. And yes, this is ‘wrong’ — but it is NOT abuse! There are many types of relationship conflicts that look like emotionally abusive situations but are not. Learn as much as you can about abuse so you can make an accurate assessment of what you need to do to fix your relationship.
Next Steps If You're In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship
If you are in an emotionally abusive situation, you need to find an effective way to stop this abuse! Learn as much as you can about the warning signs of abuse and the damage abuse causes. After you have become knowledgeable as to what abuse is, the next step is to take a strong stand to reject abuse and protect yourself. Carefully read the 12 Decisions YOU Need to Make to Stop Being Abused.
Act Now to Stop Emotional Abuse
No one should agree to live in an abusive relationship. If you are in an abusive relationship, you need to reclaim your human right to be treated with dignity, respect, and equality. Get more help from qualified professionals: